1. 应用化学专业课《分析化学》
2. 应用化学专业课《分析化学实验》
3. 农科类《分析化学》
4. 农科类《分析化学实验》
5. 农科类《现代仪器分析》
6. 农科类《现代仪器分析实验》
7. 研究生《天然提取物与生物活性物质》
8. 研究生《农业资源应用化学学科前沿进展》
1. 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目2项,主持
2. 内蒙古自治区自然科学基金项目2项,主持
3. 内蒙古自治区人才开发基金项目1项,主持
4. 内蒙古农业大学博士科研启动基金1项,主持
5. 内蒙古农业大学优秀青年基金1项,主持
6. 内蒙古自治区重大科技专项子课题专题1项,主持
1. Yuning Liu,Zhimei Zhong.Extraction of Heavy Metals, Dichromate Anions and Rare Metals by New Calixarene-Chitosan Polymers. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials,2018,28(3):962-967 (SCI,IF1.637)
2. Yuning Liu,Zhimei Zhong.Synthesis and Characterization of New Calixarene-Chitosan Polymers. Journal of Macromolecular Science,Part A,2017,54(10):678-683 (SCI,IF1.057)
3. 戴云亮,钟志梅.Synthesis, characterization and antioxidant activities of C3, 6-diacetylated phenyl-thiosemicarbazone-chitosans. 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering (SMNE 2016),中国海南三亚,2016.3 (ISTP)
4. Zhimei Zhong,Bayaer Aotegen,Hui Xu,Shuang Zhao.The influence of chemical structure on the antimicrobial activities of thiosemicarbazone-chitosan. Cellulose,2014,21(1):105–114 (SCI,IF3.6)
5. Zhimei Zhong,Bayaer Aotegen,Hui Xu,Shuang Zhao.Structure and antimicrobial activities of benzoyl phenyl-thiosemicarbazone-chitosans. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2012,50(4):1169-1174 (SCI,IF2.453)
6. Zhimei Zhong,Bayaer Aotegen,Hui Xu.The influence of the different inductivity of acetyl phenyl–thiosemicarbazone–chitosan on antimicrobial activities. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2011,48(5):713-719 (SCI,IF2.453)
7. Zhimei Zhong,Zhiguo Zhong,Ronge Xing,Pengcheng Li,GuoLi Mo.The preparation and antioxidant activity of 2-[phenylhydrazine (or hydrazine)-thiosemicarbazone]-chitosan. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2010,47(2):93-97 (SCI,IF2.502)
8. Zhimei Zhong,Pengcheng Li,Ronge Xing,Xiaolin Chen,Song Liu.Preparation, characterization and antifungal properties 0f 2-(ɑ-arylamino phosphonate)-chitosan. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2009,45(3):255-259 (SCI,IF2.366)
9. Zhimei Zhong,Pengcheng Li,Ronge Xing,Song Liu.Antimicrobial activity of hydroxylbenzenesulfonailides derivatives of chitosan, chitosan sulfates and carboxymethyl chitosan. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2009,45(2):163-168 (SCI,IF2.366)
10. Zhimei Zhong,Ronge Xing,Song Liu,Lin Wang,Shengbao Cai,and Pengcheng Li.Synthesis of thiourea derivatives of chitosan and their antimicrobial activities in vitro. Carbohydrate Research,2008,343(3):566-570 (SCI,IF1.96)
11. Zhimei Zhong,Ronge Xing,Song Liu,Lin Wang,Shengbao Cai and Pengcheng Li.The antioxidant activity of the 2-(4(or2)-hydroxyl-5-chloride-1, 3-benzene-di-sulfanimide)-chitosan. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2007,43(10):2171-2177 (SCI,IF2.882)
12. Zhimei Zhong,Rong Chen,Ronge Xing,Xiaolin Chen,Song Liu,Zhanyong Guo,Xia Ji,Lin Wang and Pengcheng Li.Synthesis and antifungal properties of sulfanilamide derivatives of chitosan. Carbohydrate Research,2007,342(16):2390-2395 (SCI,IF1.96)
13. Zhimei Zhong,Xia Ji,Ronge Xing,Song Liu,Zhanyong Guo,Xiaolin Chen and Pengcheng Li.The preparation and antioxidant activity of the sulfanilamide derivatives of chitosan and chitosan sulfates. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry,2007,15(11):3775-3782 (SCI,IF3.075)
1. 分析化学,副主编,2016年8月,中国农业出版社
1. 钟志梅,刘宇宁.杯芳烃壳聚糖高聚物及其制备方法.国家发明专利,2019年8月,专利号:CN201611015254